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To Mask Or Not to Mask?
Emily Martin Emily Martin

To Mask Or Not to Mask?

With new CDC, NYS, and OSHA guidance allowing vaccinated individuals to go about their lives unmasked, what’s an employer to do about regulating this at work? The answer to this question is not as simple as one would hope, and employers would be wise to consider all the factors before making a decision.

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NYS HERO Act Guidance
Emily Martin Emily Martin

NYS HERO Act Guidance

We’re here to save the day and break down what you need to know and do in order to be compliant with this latest NYS legislation affecting employers.

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Taking Control of your Unemployment Costs
Emily Martin Emily Martin

Taking Control of your Unemployment Costs

Employers across NYS, and the entire country, are unsurprisingly seeing an increase in their unemployment tax rates after a year of unprecedented claims against states’ unemployment funds. Although an increase is inevitable, there are actions that employers can be taking now and moving forward to ensure that their own rate is kept to a minimum, and at a time when every penny counts for a business, we encourage you to take these easy steps to keep your rate as low as possible.

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