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Using Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing to Attract Employees
Emily Martin Emily Martin

Using Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing to Attract Employees

Check out this guest post from CJ Maurer from The Gist! The Gist is a B2B inbound marketing agency and HubSpot Solutions Partner based in Buffalo, New York. In this piece, CJ applies his marketing expertise and experience to the employment space- showing that these concepts apply not only to attract customers but also employees!

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A Refresher on COVID Rules Right Now.
Emily Martin Emily Martin

A Refresher on COVID Rules Right Now.

A lot has developed even just this month between the COVID relief bill, NYS changes, and CDC guidance updates. To keep you sane, here's a summary of what you should know right now as a NYS employer.

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5 Lessons Businesses Need to Learn from the Pandemic
Emily Martin Emily Martin

5 Lessons Businesses Need to Learn from the Pandemic

Don't let these hard times be all in vain. There is so much to be learned from the experiences of the past year. Those who take the time to make sure they are not squandering this opportunity to gain perspective, are those who are going to come out the other end better than ever. What side do you want to be on?

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Emily Martin Emily Martin

Watch this recording of our webinar where we discuss employer requirements for providing leave to employees, which is as complex as ever. The main focus of this webinar will be on COVID leave requirements at the moment, but will also touch on other leave requirements, including changed PFL and PSL, how they all interact, and some tangible best-practice take-aways.

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Have employees on Partial Unemployment? Heads up!
Emily Martin Emily Martin

Have employees on Partial Unemployment? Heads up!

Beginning the workweek of January 18th, New York state has modified its rules for employees’ eligibility for receiving partial unemployment benefits. This is important for employers to understand for multiple reasons. One of these is the fact that many employers may now be on the hook for having their unemployment rate affected with new increased eligibility for benefits. A second consideration to make, specific to circumstances introduced by the pandemic, is whether the modifications you may have made to your employees’ schedules during COVID to allow them to still be able to collect some partial unemployment and still work part time, are still necessary.

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2020 Business & Tax Planning with COVID
Emily Martin Emily Martin

2020 Business & Tax Planning with COVID

Watch this recording of our webinar from December to find out everything you can (and should) be thinking about as you prepare for the 2020 tax year, in order to maximize the benefit (and minimize the pitfalls) of COVID-related aide and other programs.

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