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Guide to FFCRA COVID Leaves
Emily Martin Emily Martin

Guide to FFCRA COVID Leaves

As COVID cases rise, more employees will be missing work again due to quarantine, testing, illness, or child care. These employees are still entitled to COVID leaves through the CARES Act. Here's a refresher course on how the leaves work in case you forgot!

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COVID Resource Library
Emily Martin Emily Martin

COVID Resource Library

We’ve compiled information to help you manage through your COVID issues and compliance with total peace of mind. Get access to our COVID Library including information and forms on handling exposures and managing leaves.

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2021 Employer Checklist
Emily Martin Emily Martin

2021 Employer Checklist

We’ve survived 2020 and 2021 is just around the corner! We’ve got the scoop on everything Employers need to know to prepare for the new year.

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